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How to Order Fingerprint Jewelry

These instructions apply for Handprints, Fingerprints, Footprints, etc.

If you already have your loved ones print or you've obtained it from a funeral director please skip to step 3.

Step 1.
Press finger, hand, or foot against an ink pad in order to coat well with ink. Any dark colored ink should produce a satisfactory result.
Step 2.
Carefully press finger, hand, or foot against a piece of white paper. The first time you do this the print will probably be too dark. Press against another area of the paper a few times (see illustration). You will notice that the print becomes lighter each time. You can repeat this process until you obtain a satisfactory result.
If applicable, you may obtain a loved one’s print from your funeral director.
Step 3.
Once the ink dries, you can scan the paper into your computer. If you do not have a scanner it's not a problem, proceed to step 4 – you will be given the option of mailing your prints to us. Please scan or send us the entire page so that we can choose the best quality print. We prefer that you send us large images to ensure a quality product.

Step 4.
Select a piece of Thumbprint / Fingerprint jewelry and click "Customize and add to cart". Our website will guide you through uploading, emailing, faxing, or mailing your prints to PicturesOnGold.

You can expect your order to ship within 1 – 2 business days. Your print will last a lifetime!

If you still have a questions please emails us

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